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Glass Industry


Feldspars are aluminosilicates. Their fusibility and purity make them a useful raw material with many industrial applications. The geological context specific to each deposit gives the feldspars a variety of physical and chemical properties, thus providing products for a full-range of ceramic and glass-making applications.


Fluorspar or Fluorite has physical properties that allow it to be used for a wide variety of chemical, metallurgical and ceramic processes.


Limestone 200 ppm FeO³

Deltamat-Paquet is the sales agent for industrial applications of Calcaires de la Sambre. With its high purity and very low iron content (max 200 ppm Fe2O3), Calcaires de la Sambre has a unique product for the glass industry. Next to our standard coarse grades 0-2 mm and 0-3 mm, Calcaires de la  Sambre has also developed finer fillers.

Soda Ash Heavy Grade

Soda Ash Light Grade

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The Clubhouse
Groeningenlei 16
2550 Kontich

T: +32 2 526 92 10